About Me


Fabian Foley was born in Australia. Home has been lots of places both in Australia and elsewhere. Currently, it is meandering around Europe in a caravan with her husband Paul. She has two grown-up children who inspire her with their joie-de-vie and their belief that “you can do it mummy!”

And at about the same time as one particularly compelling story idea came along (for The Outing) and wouldn’t go away, she read a powerfully motivating message by author Steven Pressfield




And I Quote


” Are you a born writer? Were you put on earth to be a painter, a scientist, or an apostle of peace? In the end, the question can only be answered by action.

Do it or don’t do it.


It may help to think of it this way. If you were meant to cure cancer, or write a symphony, or crack cold fusion and you don’t do it, you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself… You hurt your children and me. You hurt the Planet and shame the angels who watch over you, and you spite the almighty who created you and only you with your unique gifts… for the sole purpose of nudging the human race one millimeter further along its path back to God.


Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It’s a gift to the world and every being in it. Don’t cheat us of your contribution… Give us what you’ve got!”


She pasted this into her manuscript so it appeared after the last words of the day’s writing, and she read it again every day when she opened up the laptop. With its rebuke and encouragement reverberating, she gave up procrastinating and started writing… seriously.

And Now

she gives you what she’s got.

And what’s that? 


Pretty much what she likes to read. Something unusual and surprising, with insights and suspense.


Fabian likes the emotional tug, the empathy, and the compelling connection which the characters build with her. She likes something which makes her feel, and think, something which changes her mind, and sometimes also her life because it can’t really be the same after reading this story.


Before writing she did a lot of things that really helped to justify her ‘busy-not-writing’ life.


Full-time stay-at-home mum was a favorite; then there was a student (of psychology, philosophy, anthropology, and psychoanalytic studies).

What about working in a shipyard and an engineering company; a stint as a safety officer in construction in Papua New Guinea?


A hypnotherapist; a beauty therapist; and finally a software designer (she designed and produced an interactive safety management app). So a varied pre-writing career.


When she isn’t writing, (and even when she is) Fabian is exploring the inner and outer worlds of human creation wherever she and her husband end up next. See them both at www.anotherdaymeandering.com


She also loves to cook and travel and read. And loves the occasional (really good authentic) pizza.

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